City Data
Our city data dashboard is a unique dataset comparing cities across more than 120 living conditions and health factors that shape residents’ lives, from smoking rates, to sexually transmitted diseases, to chronic diseases, to housing status.
Visit the dashboard to gain unique insights into how cities are faring on a number of health measures. Data are updated annually in the spring.
This project is part of an innovative partnership with Drexel University’s Urban Health Collaborative.
Explore the data
Compare cities
See how the nation’s largest cities fare on more than 120 health-related metrics.
Explore inequities
View some of the most salient health inequities faced by race and ethnicity in U.S. cities.
Gun deaths in cities – our analysis
Over the past decade, nearly 67,000 gun deaths occurred in BCHC cities.
About 22 gun deaths occur each day. Two-thirds of these deaths were homicides, and nearly a third were suicides.
Learn more about how these data break down by race and ethnicity, city, and age.
Drug overdose deaths in cities – our analysis
Lives lost to drug overdoses in big cities increased more than 300% over the last decade, with the impact felt most disproportionately by Black Americans.
In that same timeframe, synthetic opioids went from causing 1 in 10 drug overdose deaths to 9 in 10, largely because of the introduction of fentanyl.